Romance Recs || Brother’s Best Friend

Ahhhhh brother’s best friend (or best friend’s brother, etc)… this is one of my all time favorite romance tropes! I feel like the angst here is always high when you have that forbidden factor of having the hots for a sibling’s best friend/best friend’s sibling! There’s also usually a history with the characters and a longing over many years, so the love/infatuation doesn’t ever feel insta (one of my least favorite tropes).

I have distinct memories of having the major hots for my 6th grade best friend’s older brother! As a matter of fact he was my first ever kiss (good ol’ truth or dare)! 😂 No surprise I suppose that this is a favorite trope of mine! I always think it is so underrated and doesn’t get used enough. Anytime I find a romance with it I always file it away for a future read. I have always told myself if I were to ever write a romance brother’s best friend would 100% be the main romance trope for it!

I have read a majority of these romances above. Mr. Wrong Number and The Off Limits Rule are my absolute favorite. They are hilarious and super swoony! I also really enjoyed The Duke and I, A False Start, and The Roommate Situation (that one is a little on the cheesier side, but a good clean read). I am admittedly not the right audience for Colleen Hoover, so I won’t read that one. And haven’t heard much about Hang the Moon or Twisted Love, but I have seen them around the ‘gram so they’re definitely worth a try!

Comment below and tell me a good brother’s best friend romance — or if you don’t know one what trope would you write if you penned a romance?!

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